Women Health Concerns - Women's Top 3 Health Concerns and Their Remedies

Women are suffering from one disease or other due to wrong eating habits, high lifestyle, carelessness and ignorance. Every 3rd women has concerns about the problems or illness they are suffering from.

Here are top 3 health concerns for women along with their remedies:

1. Type 2 Diabetes- This is one common type of diabeties which changes the way your body uses glucose. The main reasons responsible for the disease are; Heredity, improper intake of food, overweight, lack of exercise in daily routine and above all your age. You must take proper care of the disease other wise it may turn fatal.


· Start doing regular exercise and loose weight if you are excessively fat.

· Avoid intake of sweets and food containing sugar completely.

· Start taking a healthy diet full of fruits and salad.

· Consult a doctor if the problem is major.

2. Heart Disease- It is a myth that because a man works everyday and women don't, so heart problem has no connection with women. Infact it is a major risk to many women these days.


· Most importantly go for check up every time your doctor calls you and do not take it lightly.

· You must quit smoking immediately. Avoid intake of alcohol too and try to limit it to social gatherings only.

· Physical exercise is very important. But do not go for rigorous exercise plan. Get your doctor do that for your and follow the program strictly.

· Take healthy diet. Avoid junk and spicy food as much as you can. Instead fill up your diet plan with proteins, carbs, fruits, veggies and fiber.

3.Kidney Diseases: Often diabetes patients face kidney failure; High blood pressure is also responsible for the disease.


· Most importantly, consult your doctor and go for check ups regularly. Do not miss on any of your medicines and vaccinations.

· Quit alcohol for ever. Alcohol for kidney and in most of the cases leads to kidney failure.

· Exercise regularly and loose those extra pounds from your body.

· Do not consume salt in heavy quantities.